Term Of Service


By using our website, you comply and agree to our following terms which may be updated from time to time without notice to the user. You may always find the latest version of the Terms of Service on this page.


By using our service, you comply and agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy which may be updated from time to time without notice to the user.


The wallpapers displayed on our site are copyrighted by their respective authors, and may not be used in personal or commercial projects. Our wallpapers are provided only for personal use for your computer, cell phone or other electronic devices.
The actions of duplication, publication, distribution, or modification from this site is prohibited unless you have obtained written consent from the respective owner.


Our site intends to only publish wallpapers that are in the “public domain”. If you believe we have published a wallpaper that infringes your copyright or that of another artist, please contact us at Our Site/page/contact/. We will respond as soon as possible to remove the copyrighted image from our website.
Furthermore, if you believe any wallpaper displayed on our site to be explicit, unethical, or inappropriate, please contact us so we can look into the issue.


The content of this website is not intended towards persons under the age of the 13. our site does not knowingly collect, store, or transmit the personal information of anyone under the age of 13. If our site is informed that any such user is viewing or using the content of this webiste, we will take appropriate actions to cancel that user’s account and block their access.


By using the our  website, you have confirmed your agreement to these Terms of Service. This policy may change time from time, and we may do so without notice to the user. All changes will be posted on this page. You confirm and agree to such changes, and we ask you regularly check this page for updates.
Our site welcomes all concerns, questions or comments about our Terms of Service. Feel free to contact us about this policy at any time!

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